Producer Spotlight:

Re Manfredi

Re Manfredi was born in 1998 in the area of production of Aglianico del Vulture DOC, a few kms from Venosa, a town famous for being the birthplace of Latin poet Horace in 65 b.C.

An elegant and welcoming Masseria stands out in the center of the property which extends over more than 100 hectares of vineyards trained in the Guyot and spurred cordon style.

Beside this farmhouse is the dynamic modern winery. The company has a modern vinification plant and a prestigious barrique cellar in which the wines age. Re Manfredi represents the largest premium wine estate in the Vulture region, comprising vineyards, cellar and a masseria in the heart of the area of appellation.

About Re Manfredi

Frederick II of Swabia had a particular predilection for this land, and wonderful castles, still perfectly preserved, remain as testimony. King Manfred on the death of his father became regent of southern Italy in 1258. He was excommunicated by Pope Innocent IV, who opposed his political independence, elected King of Sicily in Palermo, and reigned until 1266, when he died in the Battle of Benevento.

Dante speaks of him in the Divine Comedy. Manfred emerges from Dante’s text as a victim of the Pope’s political power and of the misuse for political purposes of the totally religious and spiritual institution of excommunication.

Here King Manfred, son of Frederick II loved to retire, and it is to him that the winery dedicates its fine Aglianico.

In addition to Manfredi, Frederick II had other children including Flordelis, whom he had by his last wife Bianca Lancia.

Products by Re Manfredi



Tenuta Di Nozzole

Terre Stregate

