The story of the family business begins in the mid-19th century when an
ancestor of Beniamino Maschio, newly-married and living with his young
wife in a house owned by his father in Cismon on the slopes of Monte
Grappa, accepted an invitation from Franz Joseph to go and work in
Transylvania (Romania), where there was a demand for labour for the
construction of a new railway.
The Romanian branch of the Maschio family grew, and once the railway was
completed its members sought work in other areas including the
distillation of fruit liqueurs and pomace on an estate owned by the
descendants of Prince Vlad, better known as Dracula. Later, pining for
home, some members of the family decided to return to Veneto.
It was 1892 when Antonio Maschio arrived in Vazzola in the province of
Treviso. Before long, he had built his own small distillery, and it was
here that the family’s great adventure in the fascinating world of
grappa began. One of Antonio’s sons, Giuseppe, married on the 17th
February 1900 and he and his wife brought twelve children into the
world. Then during this period Giuseppe expanded the distillery. Three
of their children became well know for different reasons. Bonaventura
(later to found his own distilling business in Gaiarine, Treviso
province) Aurelio, who became a Salesian missionary and was known as
the “John Bosco of India” in recognition of the charity institutions he
founded there (all still in operation today), and the youngest child of
all, Beniamino, future master distiller and the father of Alessandro and
Flavia, who now run the family distillery in San Pietro di Feletto near
Conegliano (Treviso province).
Beniamino Maschio used to define himself as a “lover of monovarietal
grappa”. For several years now, the company has been run by Beniamino’s
children, Alessandro and Flavia. Alessandro himself, is father of five
children, one of the most active and innovative distillers in his home
region of Veneto, where distilleries are plentiful. As president of
Istituto Grappa Veneta, Alessandro has worked to promote the production
of monovarietal grappa made from grapes such as Cabernet, Chardonnay,
Manzoni bianco, Moscato, Pinot Grigio, Prosecco and Sauvignon, while
also creating gems such as the grappas produced in Amarone, Prosecco and
Cartizze (aged in small casks made from wild cherry wood) and Brenté, a
blend of Pinot and Prosecco grapes (aged from 3 to 9 years in oak