Producer Spotlight:


MURI-GRIES is more than a winery. Within its historical walls, the daily round is guided by monastery life in combination with work in a busy cellar and the work on its own 35-hectare wine estate with vineyards in the best locations in and around Bolzano. History brought all this together more than a century ago. The routines in the vineyard and the cellar have always gone hand in hand. The work involved is highly specialized. At MURI-GRIES, the driving force is the desire to keep learning and continually enhance the quality of every single wine.

About Muri-Gries

In 1845 the Benedictines moved from Muri in Switzerland to Gries in South Tyrol, where the order took over the Augustinian monastery. In so doing, they inherited a long tradition of wine-growing, which they nurtured in the spirit of a symbiosis of monastery, winery and estate that is still very much in evidence today. The result, in the 21st century, is a range of top-quality wines from MURI-GRIES like the Abtei Muri line, which has been produced from selected grapes from the very best sites since 1989.

Products by Muri-Gries

Cantina Tani

Bresca Dorada

Terre Stregate


Birra Peroni

San Venanzio